In the latest of our In The Spotlight features, we chat to the team at Le Petit Vapoteur about how Dinner Lady changed the market for vapers looking for a gourmet experience. Pictured: Boisdrand Valleteau de Moulliac, business development manager at Le Petit Vapoteur Pro. Le Petit Vapoteur, in Cherbourg en Cotentin, France, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. It was at a friend’s house in 2010 that company founders Olivier Dréan and Tanguy Gréard began their adventure. Now, Le Petit Vapoteur is based in a building which has just been extended from 2,800m2 to 6,000m2 – with 220 staff, and more to come thanks to the expansion into wholesale operations this year with the launch of Le Petit Vapoteur Pro. Through Le Petit Vapoteur, Dinner Lady products are sold in more than 500 outlets in France and around the world. The French firm has been selling Dinner Lady e-liquids since our launch in 2016. WHAT DINNER LADY PRODUCTS DO YOU STOCK, AND WHAT ARE YOUR BEST SELLERS / FAVOURITES? From a personal point of view, I have two seasonal favourites from the Dinner Lady range; I choose Lemon Tart in the winter and then Strawberry Bikini in the summer. For Le Petit Vapoteur, Dinner Lady is a must-have brand on our shelves – in our stores it’s always a popular choice with consumers, and within wholesale at LPV Pro it’s a brand that our partners always want. Our most popular Dinner Lady flavours are Lemon Tart, Strawberry Bikini, Strawberry Macaroon, Berry Blast, Cola Shades... But, the list is long, and I am only talking about the ready-to-vape liquids, the 10ml ranges and the Shake 'n' Vapes, because the Concentrates range for DIY vaping is also a huge success for us. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO BECOME A DINNER LADY PARTNER? It was obvious to us that we had to partner with Dinner Lady when they first launched. Lemon Tart was the first flavour they produced, and it marked a real before and after moment for vapers who wanted a gourmet experience from their juice. As well as the excellent flavours, the branding was neat and made us want to discover more – and that’s still the case today. WHAT MAKES WORKING WITH DINNER LADY SPECIAL? The quality of the products and the English elegance that is presented in all the branding and marketing materials. Of course, Dinner Lady’s liquids are excellent to vape, but they also offer excellent opportunities for vape retailers. In addition, the Dinner Lady team is always so creative and works hard to support customers like us with their unique brand of energy. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND DINNER LADY TO OTHERS AND WHY? Absolutely. And all our teams, from our in-store experts to our LPV Pro distribution sales representatives always recommend Dinner Lady products to their customers. WHO IS YOUR ACCOUNT MANAGER / BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER – HOW DOES HE/SHE IMPROVE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH DINNER LADY? Our account manager is Typhaine and she has brought a breath of fresh air to the relationship between our companies since joining Dinner Lady. Her attention to detail and the concern she shows in offering the very best service has only served to improve that relationship and I hope we continue to collaborate for a long time to come. To speak to our sales team and get the ‘unique energy’ of working with Dinner Lady like Le Petit Vapoteur Pro, get in touch by emailing or fill in the form below.